Josef Mysliveček may be vir­tu­al­ly unknown today, but from 1765 to 1780, this Bohemian head­ed all the opera charts in Italy. His the­atri­cal instinct is also tan­gi­ble in the ora­to­rio Adamo ed Eva, of which Il Gardellino has the mod­ern pre­miere in store. Whoever dis­cov­ers this well-kept secret, will be mes­mer­ized – like Mozart – by Mysliveček’s irre­sistible melodies.

Adamo ed Eva

Trouble in paradise

  • Ensemble: Il Gardellino (BE)
  • Muzikale leiding: Peter Van Heyghen (BE)
  • Angelo di Giustizia: Roberta Mameli (IT)
  • Angelo di Misericordia: Alice Rossi (IT)
  • Eva: Luciana Mancini (CL/SE)
  • Adam: Valerio Contaldo (IT)