In 2017, vio­lin­ist Evgeny Sviridov dumb­found­ed jury and audi­ence of the International Competition Musica Antiqua. In this lau­rates’ con­cert, he will be accom­pa­nied by Stanislav Gres, the harp­si­chordist who fea­tured in his win­ning per­for­mance. Together, the musi­cians explore female tragedy in vio­lin sonatas from Tartini to Mozart, in a con­cert which goes beyond vir­tu­os­i­ty to gauge expres­sive depths.

Didone Abbandonata

Viooltragiek van Tartini tot Mozart

  • Viool: Evgeny Sviridov (RU)
  • Klavecimbel: Stanislav Gres (RU)