Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach’s Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu (1778) is an inti­mate med­i­ta­tion on the virtues of Christ and the mys­ter­ies of his ascen­sion. The com­pos­er right­ful­ly regard­ed this lyri­cal ora­to­rio as one of his mas­ter­pieces. The Vocalconsort Berlin teams up with the Hofkapelle München in this redeem­ing apoth­e­o­sis of the MAfestival 2017.

Die Auferstehung

De verrijzenis volgens C.P.E. Bach

  • : Vocalconsort Berlin (DE)
  • : Hofkapelle München (DE)
  • Muzikale leiding: Rüdiger Lotter (DE)
  • Sopraan: Laura Incko (DE)
  • Tenor: Daniel Johanssen (AU)
  • Bariton: Stephan Genz (DE)