Inspired by Thomas Tomkin’s key­board duet A Fancy for Two to Play, harp­si­chordists Yoann Moulin and Pierre Gallon decid­ed to con­struct an entire pro­gramme around two man­u­als. Central to this is the work of the English vir­ginal­ists who blos­somed under the reign of Elizabeth I. The works of mas­ter key­boardists Holborne, Fairhill, Dowland and Byrd make this cosy excur­sion to gold­en Elizabethan England complete.

For Two to Play

Melancholy and lightness with the English virginalists.

  • duo
  • virginals
  • 16th century
  • melancholy
  • Harpsichord: Yoann Moulin (FR)
  • Harpsichord: Philippe Grisvard (FR)