In My End is My Beginning
Spiegelingen van Mary Stuart
Three marriages, never-ending captivity, and a tragic sentence for high treason: the life of Mary Stuart (1542−1587) reads like an opera libretto. Lore Binon, Sofie Vanden Eynde and the ensemble Imago Mundi explore the many faces of the Queen of Scots, against the backdrop of a brand-new video by Anouk De Clercq which gauges the shifting shapes of the female identity.
In My End is My Beginning
Spiegelingen van Mary Stuart
- Ensemble: Imago Mundi (BE)
- Sopraan: Lore Binon (BE)
- Piano (forte): Bobby Mitchell (USA)
- Luit & teorbe: Sofie Vanden Eynde (BE)
- Video: Anouk De Clercq (BE)
- Electronics: Jo Thielemans (BE)