Like the vio­la da gam­ba in the West, the Eastern lyra has for cen­turies moved lis­ten­ers with its melan­choly tim­bre. In John Dowland’s Lachrimae, the French gam­ba con­sort L’Achéron togeth­er with Sokratis Sinopoulos, a mas­ter of the Greek lyra, inter­weave these two unique instru­ments to cre­ate a musi­cal lan­guage tran­scend­ing East and West.

Larmes de l'exil

Oosterse klanken in John Dowlands Lachrimae

  • Lyra: Sokratis Sinopoulos
  • Ensemble: L'Achéron
  • Muzikale leiding: François Joubert-Caillet