This year is the turn of the melod­ic instru­ments, so MA Competition will be wel­com­ing vio­la da gam­ba, baroque vio­lin, ‑cel­lo, ‑oboe, recorder and tra­ver­so to the stage. On 10 May 2021 the jury announced the 14 soloists who have passed the vir­tu­al pre­lim­i­nary round. The semi-final will there­fore be the very first time that the promis­ing musi­cians meet both the jury and the pub­lic live. With a self-select­ed work, the semi-final­ists give the best of them­selves. As the icing on the cake, the day before, the jury will release a repeat­ed bass pat­tern, or ground bass, upon which the can­di­dates will impro­vise vari­a­tions. All who are curi­ous to dis­cov­er tomorrow’s Baroque musi­cians and their impro­vi­sa­tion­al tal­ents should head to the Concertgebouw on 12 August.

The procla­ma­tion of the semi-final will take place at 21:30, after the evening concert.

MA Competition


(Gratis, registratie verplicht)
  • competition
  • Baroque cello: Emanuele Abete (IT)
  • Viola da Gamba: Teodoro Baù (IT)
  • Traverso: Eleonora Bišćević (IT/ HR)
  • Baroque cello: Ursina Maria Braun (CH)
  • Baroque violin: Sophie de Bardonnèche (FR)
  • Baroque violin: Minori Deguchi (JP)
  • Recorder: Hojin Kwon (KR)
  • Viola da Gamba: Noémie Lenhof (FR)
  • Traverso: Beniamino Paganini (BE)
  • Baroque violin: Nina Pohn (AT)
  • Recorder: Lea Sobbe (DE)
  • Baroque violin: Daria Spiridonova (RU)
  • Baroque violin: Hed Yaron Meyerson (DE/IL)
  • Traverso: Yuan Yu (CN)