With just four musi­cians, Elina Albach trans­lates Monteverdi’s inde­struc­tible L’Orfeo into a con­tem­po­rary set­ting. Four instru­ments replace the large orches­tra and singers in this work that went down in his­to­ry as the first opera. In his time, Monteverdi was rev­o­lu­tion­ary. CONTINUUM push­es the bound­aries still fur­ther and makes this baroque abun­dance a puri­fied work in which sub­ti­tles are replaced by a sober text pro­jec­tion, and the instru­men­tal­ly arranged vocal parts are imbued with unpar­al­leled dra­ma. Thus the ensem­ble pen­e­trates to the core of this opera.

With the sup­port of Visit Bruges


Monteverdi’s opera unveiled

  • Younger than Jesus
  • 17th century
  • Monteverdi
  • opera without song
  • visuals
  • Ensemble: CONTINUUM (DE)