Programmavoorstelling MA Festival 2023


On Saturday 25 March, MA Festival will present the pro­gramme for MA Festival 2023 to the Friends and part­ners of MA Festival dur­ing the exclu­sive pro­gramme pre­sen­ta­tion.
From 7pm, you can find the pro­gramme on the web­site or in the MA Festival brochure, avail­able at Concertgebouw Brugge. 

General tick­et sales will start on Monday 3 April at 10am, online and at In & Uit. Friends can buy tick­ets at dis­count rates as ear­ly as 27 March. 

Would you like to attend the pro­gramme pre­sen­ta­tion and be the first to buy dis­count­ed tick­ets? Read all about MA Festival’s friends mem­ber­ship here.