
MA Festival Bruges aims to bring inno­va­tion to the world of ear­ly music. In a dia­logue between today’s artists and today’s audi­ence, the fes­ti­val unites tra­di­tion with a con­tem­po­rary vision and pre­sen­ta­tion in a sus­tain­able dia­logue with society.

The fes­ti­val is both a place for the high-lev­el per­for­mance of the rich, com­plex musi­cal her­itage of the 12th to the 21stcen­tu­ry inclu­sive; and a plat­form where the tal­ent and vision of musi­cians is able to unfold. MA Festival brings togeth­er as wide an audi­ence as pos­si­ble to expe­ri­ence ear­ly music in all its beau­ty and diversity.