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Both Claudio Monteverdi and Marc-Antoine Charpentier played a major role in the devel­op­ment of 17th cen­tu­ry sacred music. Monteverdi want­ed to deploy music in the ser­vice of the holy word and Charpentier was also look­ing for a way to share his deep reli­gious belief with the world. In a num­ber of works ded­i­cat­ed to the Virgin Mary the two com­posers explore the expres­sive pos­si­bil­i­ties of the human voice. Discover the splen­dour of French and Italian reli­gious music from the 17th cen­tu­ry in the mon­u­men­tal St James’s Church. Christophe Rousset and his Talens Lyriques, togeth­er with sopra­nos Judith van Wanroij and Marie Lys trans­port you to high­er spir­i­tu­al planes.

Music by Claudio Monteverdi (15671643) and Marc-Antoine Charpentier (16431704)

Ave Maris Stella

The worship of Mary in Italian and French Stile Moderno

€29 (Categorie 1) | €25 (Categorie 2) | €18 (Categorie 3)
  • laureate
  • vocal
Bundles & day passes
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19:00 | Inleiding door Julie Hendrickx | MA Café @ Korf, Naaldenstraat 4
  • ensemble: Les Talens Lyriques (FR)
  • musical direction: Christophe Rousset (FR)
  • soprano: Judith van Wanroij (NL)
  • soprano: Marie Lys (FR)