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During the first con­cert of the series Younger than Jesus, Hendrik Lasure engages in dia­logue with the motets of Johann Sebastian Bach. Lasure is com­pos­ing a num­ber of new works for the occa­sion and is being guid­ed in this by the har­monies of the orig­i­nal motets per­formed by Florian Heyerick’s Ex Tempore. The elec­tric gui­tars, syn­the­siz­er, bass and drums of Warm Bad, Lasure’s ensem­ble, cre­ate a choir of strings in Bruges’ St Giles’ Church.

Music by a.o. Johann Sebastian Bach (16851750)

Bach motetten in een Warm bad

Dialogue between harmony and sound

€29 (Categorie 1) | €25 (Categorie 2)
  • young artists
  • Bach
Bundles & day passes
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19:00 | Inleiding door Guillaume De Grieve | Sint-Gilliskerk, Brugge
  • ensemble: Warm Bad (BE)
  • keyboards: Hendrik Lasure (BE)
  • ensemble: Ex Tempore (BE)
  • musical direction: Florian Heyerick (BE)