The fact that there are only two of you on stage is both the lied genre’s great­est strength and its great­est chal­lenge. This prox­im­i­ty enables you to search for inti­ma­cy and real­ly push the bound­aries with dynam­ics and colour. Moreover, the fact that we are able to per­form this reper­toire with a his­tor­i­cal key­board instru­ment opens up a whole new sound palette for us as a duo.” – Lore Binon

Lore binon site

La rue chagrin

Songs from the Parisian avant-garde

  • recital
  • 20th century
  • Les Six
  • Apollo
  • Soprano: Lore Binon (BE)
  • Piano: Keiko Shichijo (JP)