Fotos site programma

The anniver­sary cel­e­bra­tions burst forth! Gli Angeli Genève presents five fes­tive Magnificats for the open­ing of the six­ti­eth edi­tion of MA Festival. With two German and three Latin ver­sions of this lyri­cal and pas­sion­ate hymn, Stephan MacLeod and his ensem­ble tell the sto­ry of the preg­nant Mary who in her prayer address­es her­self to her cousin. The two German Magnificats are by Johann Sebastian Bach and Heinrich Schütz, while the Latin ver­sions were com­posed by Johann Sebastian Bach, Johann Rosenmüller and Arvo Pärt.

Music by Johann Sebastian Bach (16851750), Heinrich Schütz (15851672), Johann Rosenmüller (16191684) en Arvo Pärt (1935)

Coproductie Concertgebouw Brugge


Grand revelry, intense beauty

€49 (Categorie 1) | €39 (Categorie 2) | €26 (Categorie 3)
  • vocal
  • orchestra
  • Bach
Bundles & day passes
Klara Live vanaf 14u, 't Zand
  • ensemble: Gli Angeli Genève (CH)
  • musical direction & bas: Stephan MacLeod (CH)
  • soprano: Aleksandra Lewandowska (PL)
  • soprano: Jone Martinez (SP)
  • alto: Alex Potter (UK)
  • alto: Marine Fribourg (FR)
  • tenor: Thomas Hobbs (UK)
  • tenor: Andrew Tortise (UK)