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Together with his ensem­ble Le Caravansérail, Bertrand Cuiller – a lead­ing light of the MA Festival for sev­er­al sum­mers already – kicks off a ten­day ode to music.
The ode, a lyric poem usu­al­ly writ­ten to cel­e­brate spe­cial occa­sions, became more wide­ly appre­ci­at­ed when Henry Purcell set six­teen of them to music. Top soloists such as Reginald Mobley, Stephan MacLeod and Rachel Redmond show us why these works are con­sid­ered the best of the genre. 

Music by Henry Purcell (ca. 16591695), John Blow (1649­-1708) & Matthew Locke (1621/22­-1677)


Purcells lofzang

€51 | €41 | €27
  • vocal
  • orchestra
  • premiere
Bundles & day passes
Klara Live om 18u in het Concertgebouw Brugge
  • ensemble: Le Caravansérail (FR)
  • muzikale leiding & klavecimbel: Bertrand Cuiller (FR)
  • koor: Choeur de Chambre de Namur (BE)
  • sopraan: Rachel Redmond (UK)
  • contratenor: Paul-Antoine Bénos (FR)
  • contratenor: Reginald Mobley (US)
  • tenor: Guy Cutting (UK)
  • bas: Stephan MacLeod (CH)