One of Monteverdi’s most strik­ing com­po­si­tions is his mini-opera Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda. In it, a nar­ra­tor tells the tale of the bat­tle between the cru­sad­er Tancredi and the woman with whom he is in love, the Muslim fight­er Clorinda. Tancredi stabs Clorinda, and it is only after he removes her hel­met that he realis­es who she is. La Fonte Musica pays trib­ute to the mas­ter of the madri­gal with a recon­struc­tion of this excep­tion­al work for which he devel­oped the stile conci­ta­to.

Tancredi e Clorinda

Love and fate

€28 (Categorie 1) | €24 (Categorie 2) | €17 (Categorie 3)
  • Monteverdi
  • opera
  • stile concitato
  • madrigals
Guillaume De Grieve om 19u in de Orgelzaal Conservatorium Brugge (gratis)
  • Ensemble: La Fonte Musica (IT)