12 Velo Baroque Joselito Verschaeve

During VéloBaroque, you’ll enjoy adven­tur­ous con­certs in unique loca­tions. MA Festival maps out a route of about thir­ty kilo­me­ters through the Bruges coun­try­side. Along the way, we’ll make five stops for con­certs of 30 min­utes each. You choose your depar­ture time when pur­chas­ing your tick­et. The num­ber of spots per depar­ture time is lim­it­ed, so book­ing quick­ly is the mes­sage! It’s pos­si­ble to reserve lunch for VéloBaroque when pur­chas­ing your ticket.

Tickets for VéloBaroque with start at 10am are sold out.


Elle qui dessus le luth chan­toit
Emma-Lisa Roux FR luit & zang 

A La Vida Bona!
GLoW Collective BE ensem­ble
Katrien Gaelens BE fluit 

Joined at the Hip
Mark Lorimer UK dans
Marieke Bouche FR viool
Manuela Bucher BE altviool
Thomas Luks BE cello 

A Poor Man’s Refuge
Paradise Repaired BE ensem­ble
Korneel Van Neste BE con­tratenor & muzikale leiding 

Gallant Night Fever
NoxwodeUK ensem­ble

Emma Lisa Roux Foppe Schut kopie
Glow 2 Dymphna Vandenabeele
Paradise Repaired picture
Conor Matteo2 HQ

VéloBaroque 2024

€33 (dagpas zonder lunch) | €20 (lunch)
Bundles & day passes
Koop Tickets