True to tra­di­tion, with VéloBaroque MA Festival Brugge trans­ports you on a musi­cal cycle ride through the coun­try­side around Bruges. This year, VéloBaroque explores the area to the south-west of Bruges, where local gems such as the Priory of O.L.V. van Bethanië are req­ui­si­tioned for adven­tur­ous baroque con­certs. Under the theme of the four tem­pera­ments or bod­i­ly flu­ids (melan­cholic, phleg­mat­ic, san­guine and cho­ler­ic) lead­ing (inter)national musi­cians car­ry the lis­ten­er from John Dowland’s wist­ful songs to Antonio Vivaldi’s fieri­est sonatas. Enjoy being sur­prised by adven­tur­ous con­certs at unique locations.

When pur­chas­ing your tick­et, you decide whether to depart at 10 am or 11.15 am, after which point you choose your­self how to fill in your day. The num­ber of places per start­ing time is limited. 

So the mes­sage is, book quickly!

Attention! These con­certs will main­ly be stand­ing. There will be lit­tle to no places to sit. 


€29 (Dagpas)
  • Start: 10.00
  • Start: 11;15 (OPGELET! Gewijzigd aanvangsuur)
  • Ensemble: The Curious Bards (FR)
  • Ensemble: Claudio Ribeiro & Inês d'Avena (BR)
  • Ensemble: Annelies Van Gramberen & Sim Van Thienen (BE)
  • Ensemble: Dionysos Now! (BE)
  • Ensemble: ART'uur (BE)
  • Ensemble: Kugoni Trio (BE)