The Anima Fidis string quar­tet spe­cialis­es in the research and per­for­mance of 18th and 19th cen­tu­ry music on his­tor­i­cal instru­ments. They explore and learn about the sound world of the string quar­tet reper­toire per­formed on gut strings, thus their name: Anima’ (Soul) and Fidis’ which means the gut used for mak­ing the strings of stringed instru­ments’ in ancient greek.
The quar­tet was born in 2017 when the four musi­cians decid­ed to come togeth­er after sev­er­al musi­cal encoun­ters in inter­na­tion­al ensem­bles such as the European Union Baroque Orchestra (EUBO) and the OAE Experience Scheme. They have per­formed in sev­er­al venues in Zürich, Basel and Winterthur (Switzerland ) and in Castellon (Spain). They have received coach­ing from Shunske Sato, Leila Shayegh, Monika Baer and Ilya Gringolts.


FRINGE - Anima Fidis Quartet