Founded in January 2019, ensem­ble Les Aléas is an ear­ly music cham­ber group con­sist­ing of four young pro­fes­sion­al musi­cians shar­ing a pas­sion for French Baroque music. As stu­dents at the Royal Academy of Music in London, they often have played cham­ber music togeth­er, as well as par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Academy’s Historical Performance Department orches­tral projects, such as a notable per­for­mance of Bach’s Matthew’s Passion, direct­ed by Trevor Pinnock. Since their for­ma­tion they have start­ed to dis­cov­er the won­der­ful reper­toire of the French Baroque.
The ensem­ble has been coached by Matthew Truscott and has tak­en a part in mas­ter­class­es with James Johnstone and Laurence Cummings. In March 2019 Les Aléas par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Nancy Nuttall Early Music Competition, where the group was noticed for its musi­cal coher­ence and con­se­quent­ly award­ed the sec­ond prize.
The ensem­ble has a few excit­ing upcom­ing engage­ments planned, includ­ing per­for­mances in the MA Fringe Festival Brugge, Belgium and the Utrecht Early Music Fringe Festival in the Netherlands.


FRINGE - Les Aléas

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