Christoph Hefti cre­ates a unique scenog­ra­phy for MA Festival 2021


Artist-design­er Christoph Hefti was inspired by our fes­ti­val theme Mind & Body’ and cre­ates a unique scenog­ra­phy for all con­certs that take place in the Concert Hall and the Chamber Music Hall dur­ing MA Festival 2021. After study­ing tex­tile design in Zurich and fash­ion at Central Saint Martins in London, Hefti start­ed design­ing for Jean-Paul Gaultier in Paris and Dries Van Noten in Antwerp. 

Christoph Hefti’s most recent projects include a tiled floor for the entrance of Ghent’s Arts Centre Vooruit, a tex­tile wall­pa­per for Maison Dandoy’s flag­ship store in the Galeries de la Reine, a set design includ­ing a print­ed cur­tain for a per­for­mance by Diederik Peeters and print­ed fab­rics for Swiss fash­ion design­er Julian Ziegerli.

Between 6 and 14 August you can admire the designs of Christoph Hefti dur­ing one of our con­certs at MA Festival!