Sounds for the Soul

What is Sounds for the Soul?

Sounds for the Soul is an ini­tia­tive by DAS HAUS, a Brussels-based per­for­mance and work­space for inno­v­a­tive and social­ly inspired clas­si­cal music projects. Everyone goes through dif­fi­cult moments in life and faces chal­leng­ing events or emo­tions soon­er or lat­er. In times of need, art can more than ever offer peo­ple per­spec­tive, hope, and comfort.

Therefore, Sounds for the Soul pro­vides a one-on-one live music expe­ri­ence at peo­ple’s homes, help­ing them see their prob­lems in a new light through music. Because every­one deserves some kindness.

Sounds for the Soul is for any­one going through a dif­fi­cult peri­od in life: lone­li­ness, pro­fes­sion­al prob­lems, divorce, loss of a loved one, heart­break, sleep depri­va­tion, exam stress, ill­ness, or any­thing else. There are no cri­te­ria for the prob­lem to be accepted.

MA Festival donates the full amount of the dona­tions to Sounds for The Soul. The organ­i­sa­tion will use this con­tri­bu­tion dur­ing MA Festival in Bruges and the sur­round­ing areas.