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At the begin­ning of the 16th cen­tu­ry, as a high-rank­ing offi­cial at the court of Henry VIII, Sir Thomas More heard the best solo lute music of that peri­od, import­ed from Italy and France. Under the watch­ful eye of the self-por­trait of Sir Thomas More, lutist Hopkinson Smith brings the music of the ear­ly 1500s to the English Convent in Bruges. During an inti­mate con­cert, you can enjoy the nar­ra­tive ricer­care of Francesco Spinacino and the swing­ing pas­sages of Joan Ambrosio Dalza, enriched from time to time with a dash of Bluegrass.

Music by Francesco Spinacino (fl. 1507) en Joan Ambrosio Dalza (fl. 1508)

Better than ever was Heard

Lute music from the time of Thomas More

Bundles & day passes
Koop Tickets
  • lute: Hopkinson Smith (US)