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Nowadays Mundi Salus – the sal­va­tion of the world – seems rather out of reach. Fortunately, music appears to ease the suf­fer­ing. Matteo da Perugia’s beau­ti­ful motet Ave Sancta Mundi Salus is a prime exam­ple of this. The beau­ty, sophisti­cation and orig­i­nal­i­ty of his music are unde­ni­ably stun­ning. This evening’s con­cert explores the entire­ty of his sur­viv­ing sacred oeu­vre, sup­ple­ment­ed with works by Flemish mas­ter Du Fay. Let the music of La Fonte Musica bring you heal­ing, or at least give you hope.

With music by Matteo da Perugia (1380­-1416) & Guillaume Du Fay (?­-1474)

Between Health, Salvation and Hope

Da Perugia en Du Fay in de Italiaanse Ars Nova

€30 (Categorie 1) | €26 (Categorie 2) | €19 (Categorie 3)
Bundles & day passes
Koop Tickets
19.00 Sint-Jakobskerk
  • ensemble: La Fonte Musica (IT)
  • luit & muzikale leiding: Michele Pasotti (IT)