Three actors, a singer and a pianist dis­sect the music of Mozart’s Don Giovanni before the audience’s eyes, inter­spersed at high speed with texts from Molière’s Don Juan. Together they sketch a por­trait of the leg­endary wom­an­is­er who, at peace with him­self, has always suc­ceed­ed in fol­low­ing his pas­sions. As evening falls, the masks slip and Don Juan wres­tles with his conscience.

This per­for­mance is also acces­si­ble to children


Don Juan

A musical theatre adaptation of Mozarts Don Giovanni

€18 | €40 (Dagpas Lissewege)
  • music theatre
  • young artists
  • trilogy
  • temptation
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  • Production: DESCHONECOMPANIE & Muziektheater Transparant (BE)
  • Text adaptation, direction and concept: Tom Goossens (BE)
  • Musical direction: Wouter Deltour (BE)
  • Don Juan: Mitch Van Landeghem (BE)
  • Leporello, Masetto: Flor Van Severen (BE)
  • Donna Elvira: Carine van Bruggen (BE)
  • Donna Anna, Zerlina: Celine Debacquer (BE)
  • Main language: Dutch