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In his lau­re­ate con­cert Maciej Skrzeczkowski, win­ner of MA Competition 2023 for Harpsichord, brings us a diverse selec­tion of English harp­si­chord music. Performing select­ed works by Jo John Bull (15631628), Peter Philips (1560­1628), William Byrd (1543­-1623), Martin Peerson (1571­-1650) and Giles Farnaby (1563­-1640), Skrzeczkowski high­lights the immense rich­ness and genre diver­si­ty of these five English com­posers’ oeu­vres. The pro­gramme ranges from pop­u­lar songs and live­ly dances to Italian madri­gals, fan­tasias and Gregorian chant, all com­posed with­in a peri­od of less than 50 years. 

Forest of Things

De rijkdom van de Engelse virginalisten

  • laureate
  • young artists
Bundles & day passes
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  • klavecimbel: Maciej Skrzeczkowski (PL)