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Whether it’s a solo sopra­no or a solo oboe, with Musica Gloria there is singing at the very high­est lev­el. The Bruges-based ensem­ble has every­thing it takes to tack­le the great works from the reper­toire. And they do their singing with Johann Sebastian Bach and Jan Dismas Zelenka. While dur­ing his long career as a com­pos­er Bach con­tin­ued to write pre­dom­i­nate­ly very tra­di­tion­al­ly, the works of Zelenka were atyp­i­cal, exper­i­men­tal and even mod­ern. Both devel­oped a unique lan­guage of their own with a high­ly recog­nis­able tim­bre that Musica Gloria trans­lates for you.

Music by Johann Sebastian Bach (16851750) and Jan Dismas Zelenka (16791745)

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Bach and Zelenka, contemporaries from another world

  • young artists
  • Bach
  • vocal
Bundles & day passes
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  • ensemble: Musica Gloria (BE)
  • soprano: Maria Ladurner