Fotos site programma16

Tom Goossens and his DESCHONECOMPANIE decon­struct Handel’s famous opera Semele and use its ele­ments to build a stim­u­lat­ing sto­ry about play­ing togeth­er and being alone, about shin­ing and let­ting shine, about light and music. In the opera, Jupiter the king of the gods seduces the mor­tal girl Semele. This makes Jupiter’s wife Juno furi­ous­ly jeal­ous. She there­fore dis­guis­es her­self as Semele’s sis­ter and manoeu­vre the young girl towards her down­fall. Disaster duly strikes: Jupiter invol­un­tar­i­ly caus­es Semele’s death. Using just three actors and a lute, DESCHONECOMPANIE tell the sad sto­ry of Jupi and Semele, in an opera for MA Festival’s youngest visitors. 

Based on music by Georg Friedrich Händel (1685­-1759)

Olympe Tits 4
Olympe Tits 2


Een opera voor kleuters vanaf 3 jaar

€15 | €7,50 (-35 jaar)
  • premiere
Bundles & day passes
  • productie: DESCHONECOMPANIE Il Gardellino
  • regie & tekstbewerking: Tom Goossens (BE)
  • dramaturgie & spel: Carine van Bruggen (NL)
  • muzikale bewerking & spel: Thomas Langlois (BE)
  • spel & zang: Esther Kouwenhoven (NL)
  • spel & zang: Lissa Meyvis (BE)