Een opera voor kleuters vanaf 3 jaar

Tom Goossens and his DESCHONECOMPANIE deconstruct Handel’s famous opera Semele and use its elements to build a stimulating story about playing together and being alone, about shining and letting shine, about light and music. In the opera, Jupiter the king of the gods seduces the mortal girl Semele. This makes Jupiter’s wife Juno furiously jealous. She therefore disguises herself as Semele’s sister and manoeuvre the young girl towards her downfall. Disaster duly strikes: Jupiter involuntarily causes Semele’s death. Using just three actors and a lute, DESCHONECOMPANIE tell the sad story of Jupi and Semele, in an opera for MA Festival’s youngest visitors.
Based on music by Georg Friedrich Händel (1685-1759)

Een opera voor kleuters vanaf 3 jaar
€15 | €7,50 (-35 jaar)
- premiere
- productie: DESCHONECOMPANIE Il Gardellino
- regie & tekstbewerking: Tom Goossens (BE)
- dramaturgie & spel: Carine van Bruggen (NL)
- muzikale bewerking & spel: Thomas Langlois (BE)
- spel & zang: Esther Kouwenhoven (NL)
- spel & zang: Lissa Meyvis (BE)