Fotos site programma7

Nothing changes a per­son like unre­quit­ed love. Schubert’s Schwanengesang is an unpar­al­leled illus­tra­tion of this. To per­form it, pianist Kristian Bezuidenhout and tenor Kieran Carrel take to the stage as a duo for the first time. They also bring us a selec­tion of the most beau­ti­ful roman­tic poet­ry – Goethe, Schlegl, Seidl and oth­ers – set to music by Franz Schubert. Brace your­self for an emo­tion­al rollercoaster.

Music by Franz Schubert (1797­-1828)

Kieran Carrel 1


  • kamermuziekdag
  • vocal
  • laureate
  • premiere
  • Pianoforte: Kristian Bezuidenhout
  • Tenor: Kieran Carrel