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In May, 12 can­di­dates were select­ed dur­ing the dig­i­tal first round of MA Competition 2024. They will prove them­selves today in the semi-finals. This is free to attend in the Chamber Music Hall of Concertgebouw Brugge and it is pos­si­ble to leave or join the hall between the var­i­ous candidates.

Discover the semi-final­ists here:

Chen Jiaqi
Ercoli Federico
Fernández Benlloch Pau
Figel Matthew
Grazhdanov Mikhail
Kurtynina Mariia
Masrangsan Aruth
Nizharadze Vera
Ritter Tomasz
Sakamaki Takahiko
Szilasi Dávid
Tang Charlotte

MA Competition is sup­port­ed by Pianos Maene and National Lottery players.

MA Competition 2024: Semi-final


  • young artists
  • presentatie: Carlo Siau (BE)