Fotos site programma15

Passages echoes the tran­sient encounter between life and death, the past and the present, real­i­ty and imag­i­na­tion. It rep­re­sents a no­man’s land where con­trast­ing worlds meet, unfold­ing an inter­play of voice, light, visu­al arts, move­ment, elec­tron­ics, and clas­si­cal music. Younger than Jesus cura­tor Aïda Gabriëls invites us to move freely through this cre­at­ed uni­verse, along and among the instal­la­tion The Joyful Apocalypse cre­at­ed by Traumnovelle for Triënnale Brugge: Spaces of Possibility

Standing con­cert with lim­it­ed seating.

Created with and per­formed by: Mireille Capelle (mez­zo-sopra­no), Aya Suzuki (per­cus­sion), Nel Maertens (visu­al artist), Marc Tooten (vio­la), Adriaan de Roover (elec­tron­ics), Timo Tembuyser (vocals & dance), Matteo Sedda/​Magdalena Öttl (move­ment), Kato Declercq (voice & cel­lo) & NKK NXT (Agnese Allegra, Elaine Hakkaart, Emma Wessleus, Fran Van Lysebettens, Joana Guiné, María Suárez López, Shanice Skinner & Vanessa Guinadi)

With the sup­port of KMSKA, MA Festival, Axel Vervoordt / Inspiratum, HERMESensemble, Needcompany and NKK NXT

Special thanks to Renato Nicolodi, Kasia Mielczarek & Sander Bortier

STYX c Francis Vanhee 14

Passages - SOLD OUT

A performance

€20 | €10 (-35 jaar)
  • young artists
Bundles & day passes
20.00 MA Café @ Korf
  • concept & direction: Aïda Gabriëls (BE)
  • compagnie: oester (BE)
  • viola da gamba: Liam Byrne (US)
  • dramaturgy: Lena Meyskens, Tessa Vannieuwenhuyze & Rudi Laermans
  • light design: Anne Van Es
  • sound design: Pieter-Jan Buelens
  • costumes: Maarten Van Mulken
  • production: oester & Muziektheater Transparant