Passages - SOLD OUT
A performance

Passages echoes the transient encounter between life and death, the past and the present, reality and imagination. It represents a noman’s land where contrasting worlds meet, unfolding an interplay of voice, light, visual arts, movement, electronics, and classical music. Younger than Jesus curator Aïda Gabriëls invites us to move freely through this created universe, along and among the installation The Joyful Apocalypse created by Traumnovelle for Triënnale Brugge: Spaces of Possibility
Standing concert with limited seating.
Created with and performed by: Mireille Capelle (mezzo-soprano), Aya Suzuki (percussion), Nel Maertens (visual artist), Marc Tooten (viola), Adriaan de Roover (electronics), Timo Tembuyser (vocals & dance), Matteo Sedda/Magdalena Öttl (movement), Kato Declercq (voice & cello) & NKK NXT (Agnese Allegra, Elaine Hakkaart, Emma Wessleus, Fran Van Lysebettens, Joana Guiné, María Suárez López, Shanice Skinner & Vanessa Guinadi)
With the support of KMSKA, MA Festival, Axel Vervoordt / Inspiratum, HERMESensemble, Needcompany and NKK NXT
Special thanks to Renato Nicolodi, Kasia Mielczarek & Sander Bortier

Passages - SOLD OUT
A performance
- young artists
20.00 MA Café @ Korf
- concept & direction: Aïda Gabriëls (BE)
- compagnie: oester (BE)
- viola da gamba: Liam Byrne (US)
- dramaturgy: Lena Meyskens, Tessa Vannieuwenhuyze & Rudi Laermans
- light design: Anne Van Es
- sound design: Pieter-Jan Buelens
- costumes: Maarten Van Mulken
- production: oester & Muziektheater Transparant