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Anthony Romaniuk sets aside his Fender Rhodes to per­form Johannes Brahms’s clar­inet sonatas, togeth­er with clarinet­ tist Nicola Boud. Brahms wrote these two sonatas at the end of his career, thus mak­ing anoth­er impor­tant con­tri­bu­tion to the cham­ber music reper­toire. He penned them in hon­our of clar­inet­tist Richard Mühlfeld, whose play­ing so enchant­ed him that he came out of retire­ment and start­ed com­pos­ing again. Combined with a few Intermezzi for piano – also by Brahms – Swan Song gets a day of roman­tic cham­ber music off to a very good start.

Music by Johannes Brahms (18331897)

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Swan Song

  • kamermuziekdag
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  • piano: Anthony Romaniuk (BE-AU)
  • klarinet: Nicola Boud (AU)