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Love, Chastity, Death, Fame, Time. How do these great philo­soph­i­cal themes relate to and depend on each oth­er? Is one more pow­er­ful than the oth­ers? Italian poet Francesco Petrarca (1304­-1374) reflect­ed at length on these life ques­tions. They are also often touched on in the reper­toire of the Italian madri­gal. InVocare explore them and simul­ta­ne­ous­ly com­mem­o­rate this Italian lit­er­ary mas­ter who died 650 years ago.

Trionfo del momento

Petrarca en het madrigaal

€20 | €60 (dagpas (cat. 1)) | €56 (dagpas (cat. 2))
  • young artists
Bundles & day passes
  • ensemble: InVocare (CH)