Fotos site programma25

Consone Quartet – the first historical­instrument string quar­tet to be cho­sen as BBC New Generation Artists – trans­ form Bruges into the Vienna of Mozart, Schoenberg and Webern. The names Arnold Schoenberg and Anton Webern prob­a­bly bring to mind aton­al music, but what few peo­ple realise is that these two com­posers also wrote a num­ber of tonal works. Webern’s expres­sive Langsamer Satz from 1905 is a fine exam­ple. It is often described as a postt-Brahmsian masterpiece.

With music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (17561791), Anton Webern (1883­1945) & Arnold Schönberg (1874­-1951)


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