Become Maecenas

Become Maecenas and sup­port MA Festival Brugge unconditionally

For dona­tions with­out counter-val­ue from 40, Belgian cit­i­zens can obtain a fis­cal cer­tifi­cate. With these dona­tions, you can now sup­port MA Festival Brugge uncon­di­tion­al­ly in real­iz­ing its ambi­tions as a Maecenas.

You can donate on the bank account num­ber BE62 470 0811151 61, with the mes­sage Maecenas MA Festival” and your nation­al num­ber (need­ed for your fis­cal certificate).

Do you have fur­ther ques­tions about this?

Please con­tact us: info@​mafestival.​be or +32 5033.22.83