Become Friend

You can become a mem­ber for 90 or 120 euros and expe­ri­ence every­thing MA Festival has to offer from the front row: you par­tic­i­pate in spe­cial­ly orga­nized activ­i­ties, sup­port a high-qual­i­ty artis­tic pro­gram, and help young musi­cians develop.

Become a Friend of MA Festival Bruges and enjoy numer­ous benefits:

  • 15% dis­count on cat­e­go­ry 1 tick­ets (for 1 or 2 peo­ple depend­ing on the formula) 
  • Book tick­ets start­ing from 22 April, one week before the offi­cial start of tick­et sales 
  • Personal invi­ta­tion to the pro­gramme pre­sen­ta­tion on Saturday, April 20
  • Festival cat­a­logue at a reduced rate 
  • Ticket for the final MA Competition and the closig con­cert of MA Academy at a reduced rate
  • Name men­tioned in the cat­a­logue & on the website 
  • Invitation exclu­sive gath­er­ings (rehearsals, friends’ activ­i­ties, etc.) 


Would you like to renew your mem­ber­ship or give a friend, acquain­tance, or fam­i­ly mem­ber a sum­mer full of cul­tur­al plea­sure? There are two ways to do so:

  1. Online

Click on this link and fol­low the instruc­tions on the screen.

  1. In & Uit Desk

Visit In & Uit and renew your mem­ber­ship on the spot. Payment can be made in cash, Bancontact, or cred­it card.

You can also become a mae­ce­nas. Read all about becom­ing a Maecenas here.