Femke Gyselinck’s playlist on Spotify

Femke Gyselinck

Can’t wait for the new edi­tion of MA Festival? Then enjoy ear­ly music year-round with the playlists by MA Festival on Spotify, put togeth­er espe­cial­ly for you. Each month we present to you a playlist with known music and new dis­cov­er­ies. These are put togeth­er by musi­cians and spe­cial­ists from with­in the MA Family.

The first playlist of the year was put togeth­er by chore­o­g­ra­ph­er Femke Gyselinck.

As a chore­o­g­ra­ph­er, my exper­tise pri­mar­i­ly lies with dance, and with baroque music in par­tic­u­lar. Nevertheless I was eager to put togeth­er a playlist for MA Festival, because I have a cher­ished mem­o­ry of the work Pygmalion Double Bill which I pre­sent­ed togeth­er with Korneel Bernolet & Apothéosis at the 2019 MA Festival.

I also have an insa­tiable hunger for music, so this occa­sion afford­ed me the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­cov­er new music, with the empha­sis on new music’. I did not want to once again give a plat­form to the much-loved and uni­ver­sal­ly-known com­posers, but to allow unsung female baroque com­posers to be heard.

To sup­port me in my quest, I wrote to my baroque-lov­ing Facebook friends ask­ing them which music by female baroque com­posers they would rec­om­mend. Their tips gave me around 48 hours of music, from which I have made a selec­tion. Hopefully the MA audi­ence will enjoy this playlist as much as I do.”

Listen to the playlist here.