General tick­et­sale starts on 23 June

Last week our tick­et sales opened to Friends and on 23 June gen­er­al tick­et sales will also com­mence. From 10 am you can buy tick­ets via the web­site, by phone (078 15 20 20, every week­day from 2 pm to 5 pm) and at the In&Uit box office. You’ll find all infor­ma­tion about tick­et­ing under prac­ti­cal.
NB! If you wish to buy a tick­et for your­self only, please do this by phone or in per­son via In&Uit. Due to coro­n­avirus mea­sures, it is not pos­si­ble to buy a sin­gle tick­et through the web­site.

Would you like to pur­chase tick­ets now? As a Friend of MA Festival you have access to the exclu­sive pre­sale for Fiends. This began on 11 June. You can find all the advan­tages of and infor­ma­tion about becom­ing a Friend under Friends.