MA Festival 20 Online

MA Festival is already over, but you can still ful­ly enjoy our 57th edi­tion thanks to Klara and Evil Penguin TV. Follow the rebroad­cast of the con­cert O Gloriosa on September 3rd with InAlto, via Klara Live! The con­cert will be avail­able for a fur­ther two weeks on www​.klara​.be and the free Klara app. Evil Penguin TV also made two MA fes­ti­val con­certs avail­able on www​.evilpen​guintv​.com. Request your free tri­al now to access the full cat­a­logue and relive Leçons des Ténèbres with Capriola di Gioia and Ruins with Pitou en B.O.X.