Mozart — Hummel — Beethoven

Johann Nepomuk Hummel, whose music rep­re­sents the tran­si­tion from clas­si­cism to roman­ti­cism, was one of the most acclaimed pianists of his time. In addi­tion to an exten­sive col­lec­tion of his own com­po­si­tions, Hummel wrote var­i­ous arrange­ments of exist­ing orches­tral works for cham­ber music, such as the piano con­cer­tos of his teacher Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart or the sym­phonies of his friend Ludwig van Beethoven. The Romanian pianist Aurelia Visovan, first lau­re­ate of MA Competition 2019, will release her long-await­ed CD Mozart — Hummel — Beethoven on September 11th. The fas­ci­nat­ing pro­gram includes Hummel’s own Piano Sonata in F minor, op. 20, his arrange­ments for flute, piano, vio­lin and cel­lo of Mozart’s Piano Concerto in C and Beethoven’s First Symphony in C. The CD is the result of a col­lab­o­ra­tion between Outhere Music and MA Competition.