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In Bruges’s mag­nif­i­cent St Anne’s Church, acclaimed gam­bist Lucile Boulanger takes us back to the pres­ti­gious French gam­ba school. For sev­er­al gen­er­a­tions, it pro­duced that instrument’s great­est mas­ters, among them the mys­te­ri­ous Monsieur de Sainte Colombe, his teacher Nicolas Hotman and his stu­dent Marin Marais. In this solo pro­gramme, Boulanger presents the most beau­ti­ful gam­ba works cre­at­ed by this fas­ci­nat­ing dynasty. 

With music by Marin Marais (16561728), Sieur de Sainte Colombe (ca. 1640­ca.-1700), Antoine Forqueray (1672­-1745), Nicolas Hotman (ca. 1610­ 1663), Sieur Dubuisson (ca. 1622­-ca.1681) & Sieur Demachy (16…­-1692)

A French Dynasty - SOLD OUT

De gouden tijd van de viola da gamba

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  • viola da gamba: Lucile Boulanger (FR)