Georg Philipp Telemann’s Das befre­ite Israel nar­rates the his­to­ry of the peo­ple of Israel accord­ing to the Second Book of Moses. Telemann sur­pris­es with the diver­si­ty of instru­ments, forms and orches­tra­tion. Here the melody and har­mo­ny form a beau­ti­ful whole. Naturally, Il Gardellino also likes to per­form work by less­er-known com­posers. And so they will also be throw­ing the spot­light on Johann Heinrich Rolle’s ora­to­rio on the same theme.

Die Befreiung Israels

Magistral oratoria by Rolle and Telemann

€43 (Categorie 1) | €34 (Categorie 2) | €24 (Categorie 3)
  • classical
  • baroque
  • choir & orchestra
  • discovery
Koop Tickets
Albert Edelman om 19:00 in de Kamermuziekzaal, Concertgebouw Brugge (gratis)
  • Ensemble: Il Gardellino (BE)