Fotos site programma8

Eight tal­ent­ed young musi­cians from the renowned Juilliard School in New York are intro­duced to the incred­i­bly rich and fer­tile musi­cal past of 17th cen­tu­ry North Germany. Under the direc­tion of singer and con­duc­tor Stephan MacLeod, they explore the reper­toire of Schütz, Wechmann, J. C. Bach and Erlebach, among oth­ers. The music of each one of these com­posers sought to rein­force the under­ly­ing text. This, in com­bi­na­tion with the for­mal free­dom enjoyed by com­posers in that peri­od, allows for an extra­or­di­nary rich­ness and vari­ety of colours.

Music by o. a. Heinrich Schütz (15851672), Matthias Weckmann (16161674), Johann Christoph Bach (17351782), Nicolaus Bruhns (16651697) and Johann Rosenmüller (16191684)

Erbarm dich mein

Music for Bass and Strings in 17th Century Germany

  • young artists
  • vocal
Bundles & day passes
Koop Tickets
  • ensemble: Juilliard 415 (US)
  • musical direction & bass: Stephan MacLeod (CH)