With the aus­tere tones of his cel­e­brat­ed Lamento d’Arianna, Monteverdi proved he was unri­valled at turn­ing emo­tions into music. This did not deter his con­tem­po­raries from writ­ing new, some­times reli­gious, texts to his music. In this com­pi­la­tion, Voces Suaves reveal to us Monteverdi’s del­i­cate madri­gals togeth­er with these equal­ly cre­ative con­trafacts’.

There is no inter­mis­sion for this concert.

Madrigals in disguise

Love and sorrow Monteverdi’s madrigals

€28 (Categorie 1) | €24 (Categorie 2) | €17 (Categorie 3)
  • contrafact
  • 17th century
  • lament
  • Monteverdi
Koop Tickets
  • Ensemble: Voces Suaves (CH)