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Travel back in time with B’Rock Orchestra & Vocal Consort and dis­cov­er the jour­neys of the ambi­tious Claudio Monteverdi. Not only did Monteverdi trav­el to Spa as part of Francesco Gonzaga’s entourage in 1599, he also used that expe­di­tion to gath­er inspi­ra­tion for his own musi­cal path from the Renaissance to the Baroque: inspired by the Franco-­Flemish mas­ters, this mas­ter and cus­to­di­an of the tra­di­tion­al stile anti­co broke with the strict rules of coun­ter­point. Monteverdi’s ground­break­ing madri­gals there­upon enriched Italian vocal music with homopho­ny, solo and choral singing and instru­men­tal ritornellos.

With music by Claudio Monteverdi (15671643), Giaches de Wert (1535­1596), Cipriano de Rore (ca. 1515­-1565) & Nicolas Gombert (1495­-ca.1560).

It is pos­si­ble to com­bine this con­cert with the Ethereal Realms concert

Monteverdi's Travels - LAST TICKETS

Van stile antico naar stile moderno

€30 | €26 | €19
Bundles & day passes
Koop Tickets
19.00 Sint-Jakobskerk
  • orkest: B'Rock Orchestra (BE)
  • ensemble: B'Rock Vocal Consort (BE)