Fotos site programma24

Ensemble Irini and per­cus­sion­ist Tom de Cock take us to ancient Greece and let the ora­cle speak. Sounding out the lim­its of lit­er­ary and musi­cal lan­guage, they explore the realm of the unspeak­able. Let your­self be enchant­ed by rare and hyp­not­ic songs, in which voic­es are mixed with atyp­i­cal instru­ments, such as the semantron and the zither. Weaving a rit­u­al between musi­cians and audi­ence, the sto­ry unfolds as if in a dream.

With music by Iannis Xenakis (1922­-2001) & Orlando di Lasso (1532­-1594)


€30 | €26 | €60 (dagpas (cat. 1)) | €56 (dagpas (cat. 2))
  • vocal
  • premiere
Bundles & day passes
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