It is wide­ly known that trou­ba­dours sang of love, but protest songs were also an essen­tial part of their reper­toire. With their sir­ventes (ser­vice songs) the trou­ba­dours com­plained about the sta­tus quo, most­ly in the form of par­o­dies. The melody, the met­ric struc­ture and some­times also the rhyme of a well-known piece were bor­rowed to broach a con­tro­ver­sial top­ic. Bertrand de Born is undoubt­ed­ly the best-known prac­ti­tion­er of the genre. The trou­ba­dours of the Swiss ensem­ble Le Miroir de Musique, spe­cial­ists in this field, sketch a live­ly pic­ture of this fas­ci­nat­ing repertoire.

Lo foc d'aquest segle

Sirventes and political rivalries under Eleonora of Aquitaine

  • medieval
  • debut
  • protest songs
Koop Tickets
  • Ensemble: Le Miroir de Musique (FR)