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London is the place to be for dis­cov­er­ing new music, and that was no dif­fer­ent in the 18th cen­tu­ry. Season tick­ets for con­cert series were sold at var­i­ous places, the most famous of which was the Bach-Abel Society. The pub­lic enjoyed con­certs of the high­est qual­i­ty there, whilst being able to share ideas with one anoth­er in a relaxed atmos­phere. Johann Christian Bach and Carl Friedrich Abel per­formed their own com­po­si­tions on these evenings, but also invit­ed musi­cians such as Juan Oliver Astorga, Carl Phillip Emanuel Bach and Joseph Haydn. Anacronía presents a selec­tion from this rich and var­ied musi­cal peri­od dur­ing the tran­si­tion from baroque to classicism.

Music by Johann Christian Bach (17351782), Carl Friedrich Abel (17231787), Joseph Haydn (17321809) e. a.

The Bach-Abel Society

Walking the Tightrope Between Baroque and Classical

  • young artists
Bundles & day passes
Koop Tickets
  • ensemble: Anacronía (ES)