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In the City of Ladies, every stone tells the sto­ry of a woman. Christine de Pizan cre­at­ed the city as a place where women would be free from the lim­i­ta­tions imposed by soci­ety and where they could explore their own lim­its as women. Servir Antico tells the sto­ry of Christine de Pizan and her ally Martin Le Franc through spo­ken texts from the lit­er­ary works of both authors set to music. With works such as Gilles Binchois’ Christine’s Lament” and Le Champion des Dames,” based on Le Franc’s poem, this con­cert will be a trib­ute to all women.

Music by Gilles Binchois (14001460) and others.

This con­cert is part of the Lissewegedag. Read all about this day and the dis­count­ed day pass here.

The City of Ladies

Equality at the heart of Humanism

€29 (Categorie 1) | €25 (Categorie 2) | €57 (Dagpas Lissewege)
  • vocal
Bundles & day passes
19:00 | Inleiding door Pieter Mannaerts | School Ter Poorten, Lissewege
  • ensemble: Servir Antico (CH)
  • musical direction & organetto: Catalina Vicens (CL)