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MA Festival pulls out an old tra­di­tion for its 60th edi­tion and clos­es ten days of ear­ly music with Claudio Monteverdi’s Vespro del­la Beata Vergine. Led by Lambert Colson, the Belgian ensem­ble InAlto per­forms Monteverdi’s musi­cal mon­u­ment on a copy of a real Italian organ. The ensem­ble thus fol­lows Monteverdi’s advice on the ide­al instru­men­ta­tion as he envis­aged it. This gives the per­for­mance a fresh new life while at the same time mak­ing it even more deeply root­ed in his­tor­i­cal per­for­mance practice.

Vespro del­la Beata Vergine by Claudio Monteverdi (15671643)

Vespro della Beata Vergine

Tradition meets innovation

€49 (Categorie 1) | €39 (Categorie 2) | €26 (Categorie 3)
  • orchestra
  • vocal
Bundles & day passes
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18:00 | Interview met Lambert Colson door Albert Edelman | Concertgebouw Brugge, Kamermuziekzaal
  • ensemble: InAlto (BE)
  • musical direction: Lambert Colson (FR)
  • soprano: Alice Foccroulle (BE)
  • soprano: Carine Tinney (MT/UK)
  • soprano: Mailys de Villoutreys (FR)
  • tenor: Benedict Hymas (UK)
  • tenor: Luca cervoni (IT)
  • tenor: Riccardo Pisani (IT)